Samstag, 22. Januar 2011

Week10 - Motion

The fire explosion
An other week is over and the given topic let me think about two diffrent posibilities. The first is to freeze moving object (short exposure time) and the second is to make the moving object looks blury (long exposure time). This time I descided to take a picture with a short exposure time. My experiment was to capture a little fire explosion. It was harder than I expected. Following I explaine the situation how to get the explosion.
A soap bubble filled with butane gas was dropping on a grill and exploded immediately. After the explosion I had few moments to capture the burning gas. So it was not possible to select a auto-mode for the camera, because there was not enough time for the camera to measure and set the right settings for the short bright moment. In manual mode I set the exposure time to 1/180 sec and 3.5F value to freeze the flame. After some explosions I've got the right timing to capture the fire. The results are very unique and special images.