Dienstag, 16. November 2010

Week 1 - Kids

This is the first image of my photo project. Every week I will publish a new photo to the given topic. You can see the topic of the week in the table on the bottom of this page.
Kids is the topic of the week and it was a really challange for me, because the children are absolutely spontan and make what they want. It is not possible to say make this and this. After I realised this fact, I took some picture during they was playing without any instuction. So I've got two good snapshot. And I decided to upload this one, because the expresion and the message of this image is much better than the other. It shows how kids are discovering, learning and thinking.

1 Kommentar:

  1. I totally agree with what you said in your comment. Even when I haven't seen the rest of the photos of this photoshoot, this one definitely shows how kids are discovering, learning and thinking.

    I like the composition of this photograph very much. Also, very good timing at pressing the shutter button: You got her eyes fairly opened, her expression and the hand in her mouth gives a nice touch to the overall feel of the image, conveying cuteness, innocence and all those characteristics mentioned above in the previous paragraph that are so typical of childhood.

    I know how hard it is to capture kids, and that's why I'm assesing this photo in a very positive way, 'cause the shot deserves it! But (if I may) I just want to point out something: The blur. Even when the blur doesn't merely represent a mistake, personally, I think that without it the photograph could had come out better in terms of the effectiveness of the conveyance of the mood and feeling. To put it bluntly, the blur is kind of distracting. But this is a very personal opinion, and the photograph is really good either way, specially considering the subject (a kid!), the poor lighting that I think you had back then and the fact that this is the very first photograph of a project like this (which is very challenging, I know!) And one more thing that could had worked better in the photo is getting out of it that brown frame to the left of the little girl, I guess it's a door, it's also an element that distracts from the main subject... but again, this is only my personal opinion.

    Keep it up, cousin! I think you're doing a fantastic job! And I know this job ain't an easy thing at all...
