I know this is a spider and not a insect. I couldn't find a suitable insect for my camera. The problem with my equipment is, that i don't own a macro lens. With the standard Zoom the nearest distance to focus is 35cm. This week was interesting to see where the limit is for my equipment.
When I saw the image on the computer screen The images were noisy. I did't know why.
Afterwards I realised that I had a strong automatic ISO noise correction in the camera settings. I think this noise correction algorithmus is not really good. I switcht off now and I hope this change brings me better images now.
When I saw the image on the computer screen The images were noisy. I did't know why.
Afterwards I realised that I had a strong automatic ISO noise correction in the camera settings. I think this noise correction algorithmus is not really good. I switcht off now and I hope this change brings me better images now.